Kidnapped” is a historical adventure novel by Robert Louis Stevenson, set in 18th-century Scotland. It follows the journey of David Balfour, a young man seeking his rightful inheritance, who is kidnapped and sold into slavery. The story details his adventures and alliance with the Jacobite Alan Breck Stewart as they navigate political intrigue and danger. This edition is part of the Longman Classics series, offering an abridged version suitable for young readers.
Treasure Island” is a classic adventure novel by Robert Louis Stevenson that tells the tale of young Jim Hawkins and his quest for buried pirate treasure. The story is renowned for its vivid characters, including the iconic Long John Silver, and its thrilling depiction of a perilous sea voyage and the search for hidden riches. This edition is part of the Longman Classics series, offering an abridged version suitable for young readers.