The Adventures of Tom Sawyer” is a classic novel by Mark Twain that follows the mischievous and imaginative boy, Tom Sawyer, as he embarks on various adventures along the Mississippi River. The story captures the essence of childhood and explores themes of friendship, freedom, and the moral development of a young boy in the American South. This edition is part of the Longman Classics series, offering an abridged version suitable for young readers.
The Prince and the Pauper” is a novel by Mark Twain that tells the story of two boys—Prince Edward, the heir to the English throne, and Tom Canty, a poor boy from London—who, by a chance encounter, exchange places. This leads to a series of adventures and misadventures as each boy experiences life in the other’s shoes. This edition is part of the Longman Classics series, offering an abridged version suitable for young readers.